November 18, 2008

Jasmine's Sleepover Success

So Jasmine had a sleepover for her birthday with a total of 9 girls in the house. What you saw in the video was pretty much what the night consisted of. TOTAL CHAOS! There was music, dancing, karaoke, movies, cheese cake, 3 pizzas, a meat and cheese tray and I must report that we have about 30 pieces of Halloween candy left. It was really cool for Jasmine to actually have a friend sleepover. We have had cousins and a couple of friends and one of the times there was 13 kids but I must say that nothing compares to having 9 girls in the house. Sometimes they do not all get along. I think I had to defuse about 6 different situations where different girls at different times were feeling left out, but we survived. Jasmine and 2 other of her friends stayed up ALL night and let me just say they do not have "inside" voices. I think it was about 4 o'clock in the morning when I decided I was done with the insanity, that and the fact that they woke up Kennedy. Screaming, laughing, running....I thought it might never end. They pulled the usual sleepover pranks where they drew on each other as they dozed off, one girl got toothpasted, which I was not so happy about since it did end up on my carpet but the funniest thing is that they all WILLINGLY soaked their bras and froze them, and yes a few of them actually put them on in the morning. I did warn Darren not to open the freezer in the morning just to spare his sanity. So, about 8 o'clock in the morning when Darren and I came out of the room, we made our way to the surround sound and turned on the tunes, really loud and wished everyone a GOOD MORNING! Darren made pancakes, bacon and sausage links while we all watched The Strangers, which I must say was a totally freakingly scary movie. It was a blast though and we will probably do it again even though at about 4 that morning I swore to Darren that we never would again. Oh and poor Darren ! After we watched the scary movie a few of the girls had a hard time going to rooms alone to get dressed, which I am all too familiar with, so I look up in the kitchen and one of the girls is standing there in her undies. I said, you're naked and about that time Darren hung his face into his hands and was like, what in the, and waited for clearance to lift his head. That was just one of the 3 mishaps of the sleepover that he was unfortunate enough to witness. If you could have only seen his face, it was too funny! He is a really good sport though and we love and cherish him. He is by far my favorite person on this planet.

Now moving on to my new look on the blog. I am one of those people who are annoyed with the fact that Thanksgiving isn't over and already Christmas takes over, but I figured I would go ahead and change my background while it was fresh on the brain which also led me to add some Christmas music and some hymns that I love and not to mention some of my favorite songs from the Sister Act movies. So don't hate me for doing it so early, like I said the mood struck me.

We will be going to Pigeon Forge this Saturday so that Jasmine can sing with Celebration Show Choir, an activity that suits her well since she can sing her little butt off. They will be singing at The Christmas Place, a very popular attraction up or down there which ever direction it may be. She has a solo and is very excited about it. Who knows maybe we will get to see Dolly, that would blow my mind. Well, that's all I've got!

November 04, 2008

Lucy's Big Day

Well yesterday was Ladybug's 4th birthday. We pretty much lazied around until about 4 o'clock. I sang happy birthday to her about 3 dozen times throughout the day yesterday. She became shy and modest the more times I sang it to her. We then went to my mom's for her birthday party. We ate hot dogs for dinner and then had some cake. After that we went to the hospital to see my grandma Copas, she had a knee replacement done earlier that morning. We thought it would be nice to take her some cake to eat when she has a sweet tooth. Then from there we went to see my mamaw Boring and also took her some cake. Lucy had a lot of fun playing with mamaw, they even boxed a bit. It was very entertaining, poor Darren was so tired though as you can probably see in the picture.
The girls are out of school today and are enjoying the toys that Ladybug got for her birthday. I have parent teacher confrences sometime today and show choir and I must go vote. It will be my first time doing so and I am pretty excited about it but am still torn on exactly who to vote for since they both appear to have ideas that I can agree with and some that I can disagree with. As I have been saying for months now...Willie Nelson for President! But seriously, if he was running that is probably exactly who I would pick. So everyone go and have a great day today and do not forget to go make history!