October 14, 2009

Simply Malorie

Ok so, you have watched the video, I hope, and are sitting on the edge of your seats. The tooth came out about 2 seconds after the video shut off. Unfortunately for us, my card was full and the camera shows no screen at all, so you really have no idea what you are shooting and well, it just sucks. The great thing is that it is still kind enough to let us shoot anything at all. So back to Malorie!

She has been so excited about this loose tooth that she has had and today she was showing Darren and I how much looser it had become. I was so excited and told her to sit down with me and let me play with it. She is such a good sport she actually let me! I pushed and pulled and attempted twisting and she sat there just letting me do it. Then I told her to go show her dad how much more it was loose. So when she visited him in the other rooom he proceeded to wiggle and push and pull as well. Each time she would come back I would say, "This tooth is coming out tonight, look how loose it is!" I continued to show enthusiasm which I must say was completely genuine. Not like the enthusiasm that we sometimes show them just to please them. I WAS STOKED!! At one point, to mess with her, I shouted to Darren to "GET THE PLIERS!" He retorted with, "I can't find them". She looked at me and her eyes all wide and said no way! I assured her that I was just kidding and we would just do it with our fingers. So about 5 minutes goes by and I can tell she is getting tired of me having my fingers in her face, not to mention, dad, Jasmine, Lucy AND Kennedy. That's right! GROUP EFFORT! She looks at me and says, "get the pliers". I cocked my head and raised my eyebrows and said, "what?" She shouts to the other room where Darren is, "GET THE PLIERS!" I follow up the request and make sure that he knows this time it is not a joke and per his daughter's request he should get the pliers. Which led to where the video was shot.

I was so disappointed that the video shut off because when that tooth came out, the look on her face and the laughter in the back ground would have been hysterical to watch and hear. She was so excited. I asked her a little while after if she wanted to call anyone and she said she wanted to call Zach. Zach is a boy from church who also goes to her school and they pretty much have the hots for each other. Cute, I know. So, being the wonderful parents we are we let her call him and they talk for a few and then it is off to bed. Of course we are searching for the tooth bag that came with a tooth fairy book that she had recieved about 2 years ago. Now this evil purple bag with pretty yellow strings has been nothing but a pain in my butt since it was taken out of the cubby spot on the book. When I douche this house, each and every time, I find that bag. It has been all over this house. I know, why not have a permanent home for it? Well, the answer is, they won't let it have a permanent home. They? THE GIRLS! The have radar for certain things like scissors and glue and make-up and apparently this bag. I swear the last time I had the bag in my hand I looked at Darren and told him that we would be needing it soon and I am pretty sure that I hung it on a tack somewhere, or in a basket? The funny thing about that whole escapade is that every where I looked, it felt familiar and that is due to the fact that it has been put almost everywhere!

Let's get back to Zach. Earlier in the day Malorie said, "you know what mom?' I said, what? She said, "At school, Zach(insert air quotes here) chases me(end air quote). " I looked at her and with disbelief said, "What did you say?" She said, "At school, Zach(insert air quotes here) chases me(end air quote)". Can I believe what I have just witnessed? NO! I CAN NOT! My six year old just used air quotes and used them in the proper sense. How bizarre is this. I tell her that she must go tell her daddy what she just told me and she does. The exact same way, air quotes inserted properly and to top it off she proceeds to tell him that she doesn't "chase" Zach, she just talks to her friends. THE MADNESS! What are we going to do? This is a thought that crosses my mind more than I would like to admit but in all reality.....

What Are We Going To Do? One thing that I did learn tonight, but I also already knew, is that Malorie is one tough cookie. She can take a lot! She falls and she falls some more and she gets her hair nearly pulled out by Kennedy and she can just keep taking it. I think we might be doing something right. I mean when your child is not scared to let you stick a metal instrument in their mouth to remove a tooth and all the while knowing that you, are NOT a dentist. Hopefully she will remain fearless and keep her head strong. Literally.

Oh and Thank Heaven For Little Girls.

October 01, 2009

Preschool, Attitude, Soccer and The Love of My Life

So Lucy started preschool and if you call it preschool she will gladly correct you by saying, "I don't go to preschool, I go to Head Start". Which is a true statement, but it cracks me up everytime. She loves school. On a sad note, I had no idea that my daughter could count to 25 and the girl can. I must admit, that with each child I seem to slip just a little more without even realizing it. I guess I just think they will pick it up from each other as they go on.

One thing I am sure that they pick up as they go on is attitude. Little Miss Fireball Malorie is quite the force that can not be reckoned with. Just this moring as I was handing her clothes, she is talking in the most firm voice that she has, which is pretty scary at times, and telling me, "I don't like these and I am NOT wearing them". I proceed to tell her that she will be wearing them and she says, "I don't care then!" at this point I inform her that when she comes home today she will go to her room because she is grounded for the day, and then she strikes back, head moving while talking and saying, " FINE, I DON'T CARE!, That's STUPID!!!" Grrr, I think to myself as I know it is talking all the energy in the world to NOT reach over and pop her mouth. My gosh! When did this happen and why is it getting worse? I am at a loss with her at times. She is so FIERCE!!! Kennedy is catching on to it so fast. She actually walks around the house ordering people around. She told me one day when I had shut my door, "Mommy, let me in right NOW." I opened the door in shock but with a huge smile on my face because, oh my gosh that was hillarious. She likes to tell people when they are being bad, and when to stop doing something and when she wants something she usually says please but sometimes it is NOW. These kids, my precious angels, are most definately going to be the death of me or at least what is left of my sanity.

Jasmine started soccer this year and loves it. She has improved so much already. Her team won their first game on Tuesday and it was so exciting for them. There were not enough girls that signed up for soccer so there are actually 3 schools on her team which has made it difficult for them to pull together, but they finally are. I am so glad that she has found something that she enjoys and is good at. It has definately had an impact on her attitude and the way she treats us. I like it and am so proud of her.

Then there is Darren. The man that makes it all happen for us. He is such a great husband and father. He busts his butt for us and I can not express to him how much I appreciate it. He is a magnificant father. He is so great with helping the girls with their homework. I think they like it better when daddy helps them more than me. I know Malorie does. I am so very thankful for him being in my life. He is a blessing to me. Sometimes when I look at him, I am just so overwhelmed and take that time to thank God for bringing us together and staying with us so that we were able to remain together. We have shared so much, bad and good, and to still be together is just amazing. I love that man!

With that I will close and let you back to your day. Thank you Sarah for inspiring to write on my blog, for I too have neglected mine.