October 01, 2009

Preschool, Attitude, Soccer and The Love of My Life

So Lucy started preschool and if you call it preschool she will gladly correct you by saying, "I don't go to preschool, I go to Head Start". Which is a true statement, but it cracks me up everytime. She loves school. On a sad note, I had no idea that my daughter could count to 25 and the girl can. I must admit, that with each child I seem to slip just a little more without even realizing it. I guess I just think they will pick it up from each other as they go on.

One thing I am sure that they pick up as they go on is attitude. Little Miss Fireball Malorie is quite the force that can not be reckoned with. Just this moring as I was handing her clothes, she is talking in the most firm voice that she has, which is pretty scary at times, and telling me, "I don't like these and I am NOT wearing them". I proceed to tell her that she will be wearing them and she says, "I don't care then!" at this point I inform her that when she comes home today she will go to her room because she is grounded for the day, and then she strikes back, head moving while talking and saying, " FINE, I DON'T CARE!, That's STUPID!!!" Grrr, I think to myself as I know it is talking all the energy in the world to NOT reach over and pop her mouth. My gosh! When did this happen and why is it getting worse? I am at a loss with her at times. She is so FIERCE!!! Kennedy is catching on to it so fast. She actually walks around the house ordering people around. She told me one day when I had shut my door, "Mommy, let me in right NOW." I opened the door in shock but with a huge smile on my face because, oh my gosh that was hillarious. She likes to tell people when they are being bad, and when to stop doing something and when she wants something she usually says please but sometimes it is NOW. These kids, my precious angels, are most definately going to be the death of me or at least what is left of my sanity.

Jasmine started soccer this year and loves it. She has improved so much already. Her team won their first game on Tuesday and it was so exciting for them. There were not enough girls that signed up for soccer so there are actually 3 schools on her team which has made it difficult for them to pull together, but they finally are. I am so glad that she has found something that she enjoys and is good at. It has definately had an impact on her attitude and the way she treats us. I like it and am so proud of her.

Then there is Darren. The man that makes it all happen for us. He is such a great husband and father. He busts his butt for us and I can not express to him how much I appreciate it. He is a magnificant father. He is so great with helping the girls with their homework. I think they like it better when daddy helps them more than me. I know Malorie does. I am so very thankful for him being in my life. He is a blessing to me. Sometimes when I look at him, I am just so overwhelmed and take that time to thank God for bringing us together and staying with us so that we were able to remain together. We have shared so much, bad and good, and to still be together is just amazing. I love that man!

With that I will close and let you back to your day. Thank you Sarah for inspiring to write on my blog, for I too have neglected mine.


fancynancy&grandpalyle said...

I absolutely loved this post. Children surprise us don't they. I love to see the photos and hear all about things. I check the blog everyday. Thanks for posting.
I am so happy for Jasmine. How is the Kennedy and mom time. Nice I bet. Love you all, and miss you terribly.

The Austin's said...

AAAHHH!!! Loved this post. I miss you guys so much. Your girls are growing up so fast without us. :( I'm glad everything is going well at your house though. I ditto your comment about how thankful you are that God stayed "with" you guys. I love that and am thankful for that to. You both are amazing and inspire me. I guess it is my turn to "catch up".

Wendi said...

Brilliant post! Love to read what's going on in your life, thanks for sharing.

Wendi said...

Brilliant post! Love to read what's going on in your life, thanks for sharing.