January 05, 2009

Up and somewhat running

So our computer is finally working again. I am so stoked about it I have been on here for 2 hours! Sadly, we lost all of our pictures and videos because I am a ding a ling and did not put them on disc. We have no fun games or cool programs on our computer anymore and all of our music is gone.....soooo sad. The good thing is that our computer has a fresh brain. I can not believe that I was so stupid not to put everything on disc. We had almost 2000 pictures and such on it. AUGHH! OH WELL! That is life isn't it.

So the new year is off to a great start. I stopped smoking on December 10th and couldn't be happier about it but to make that an even greater experience you will all be happy to know that Darren also quit smoking about a week after I did. That's right people! SMOKE FREE! Now to stop being a potty mouth...that is going to be a big chore. As ugly as it is, I do like my swear words. I have been trying to stop by just saying, what the, but as it turns out the kids pick up on that A LOT easier than any old dirty word. Funny how that works. One thing at a time I guess.

I told Darren I was becoming a prude and he gave me a strange look. Imagine me a nice girl...can you imagine? It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

We all had a great Christmas and as you noticed did not send out cards...I am a slacker what can I say. The kids were very happy with their presents this year. I think Ladybug was the most excited because this year Santa brought her a guitar, the one thing she really wanted. Now we hope that she is able to learn a little something and become a famous musician..wink wink. Jasmine is growing up and has informed me that next year gift cards will be what she is expecting. Ahh the joy of girls.

Anyways, I am glad to be up and running again and will try to post some pictures soon. By the way I loved catching up on all the blogs, I really missed being able to check up on the family.


The Austin's said...

YEAH!!! I missed you. I'm so glad your back. But most of all CONGRATS! I am so proud of both of you. Way to go. Finally got the packages, today and Sat. Thank you thank you!!! I will call when I have a longer minute to chat. Talk to you soon.

Penny and the Gang said...

That is great about the goal you both have meet.. That is a big challange I know! Christmas was also great. I am so glad to check back and read about you and your family! Hugs and Kisses to all!

Birch Family said...

Congratulations! You both should be proud of yourselves, that's a really hairy thing to conquer! Glad to see you're back in the blogging world, I missed you!