February 02, 2009

Video Fun!

This little piggy.

Wrestling Fun

Run kitty Run

Well, I tried to upload a different video as well but it has been trying to upload since about 5 and it is now 9. I think that is a little too much time if you ask me. I will try to get somemore on here another day. Enjoy!


Penny and the Gang said...

Those were great, you have cute little girls, downloading that was worth it for me thanks for sharing that, and the wreseling ring was great, I think one of those for my girls would be nice so they can get it out of thier system on some days. You are doing great! keep up the good work.

The Austin's said...

Love the videos. I especially love the one of the girls wrestling. I still can't get over that is in your shop.

fancynancy&grandpalyle said...

I loved these. They are so great. Lucy singing to Kennedy oh how sweet. And the girls in the rink, I didn't realize it was in your shop. How fun is that!!
What a cat. Most cats would be annoyed. They are all growing. Thanks for posting these!!!

fancynancy&grandpalyle said...

Give lots of loveys to those girls.
I am really missing all of you.